Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life as a Smith

So, I have now entered into the realm of Smiths.
According to Howmanyofme.com,
"There are 3,073,521 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith.
Statistically the 1st most popular last name."

I always dreamed of having a crazy Italian last name, but alas, it was not meant to be!
However, I have married the man of my dreams, so I suppose in the end it all works out ;)

2 humorous stories about generic names. The first is just interesting, but the second demonstrates the confusion that can arise when there are too many generically-named people interacting with each other:

On the plane to Aruba, this guy was sitting next to us, and it turns out they had just gotten married October 4th also (same day as us.) Later on, Mike was filling out paperwork and the guy said, "Mike Smith? No way." and Mike was like, "umm, yes.." and that is when the guy introduces himself as John Smith. Even more generic.

Then, when we went to look at the car we were buying (it was from a private seller) we knocked on the door only to be greeted by Mike Jones. He looked surprised to see us, as if he wasn't expecting us, and when we explained we were there to look at the car, it clearly wasn't registering. We thought that was weird - we had just called the guy that day. Until he realized, "OH! you must be looking for Mike BROWN! I'm Mike Jones. He is my housemate." Mike Smith, looking for Mike Brown but finding Mike Jones. Too many Mikes. :)

Well, I shall try to be faithful to this blog. I really hope I can keep up with it and find enough interesting things to say!

For now, here are a few pictures from our honeymoon. This is at breakfast.


ange said...

you should legally change your name to Sarah Lucia Smith. Get a little italian in you. :)

Sarah Smith said...

ange! that's a brilliant idea!!! i just might actually do that!!!!