Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 6 on the Potomac...I skipped 5...

Sorry I missed a day - Thursday was not very interesting, so I did not have much to post about on Friday. We just relaxed most of the day and read books and watched movies. Oh and Mike took me shopping at the outlets - I spent all my money at Gap. Big surprise, I know.
Last night, Mary and Alex came down, so we are now at 19 people. It is a very full (but FUN!) house :)

Yesterday's big event: Tea Time (aka The Finer Things Club). We enjoyed a delightful afternoon of English teas, Walker's Shortbread and Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate. Jealous? I don't blame you - it was truly amazing.
It started out as just Michelle and me, but when Mike found out he was intrigued and wanted to join (mostly because of the chocolate), and soon enough Tom and Sean presented themselves at the dining room table requesting permission to be part of "The Finer Things Club." We acquiesced and it became a truly enjoyable afternoon. The reading list consisted of:

Mike: Dracula (by Bram Stoker)
Sean: Spurgeon Biography (by Arnold Dallimore)
Tom: A. Lincoln-A Biography
Michelle: Reading Lolita in Tehran
Myself: Murder is Easy (Agatha Christie) and Ship of Ghosts (don't remember who it's by - it's about the Pacific front of WWII)

This here is the inspiration behind our Tea Time. Good chocolate and excellent shortbread. There is not much better than good tea and shortbread - divine.

Here is an assortment of the tea supply. I brought 9 different kinds of tea - we've enjoyed almost every single one this week.

My reading material.

Tom telling us what he's learned about Abe Lincoln

Michelle's reading material.

Me and Michelle reading

Sean - we asked him if he was going to look like this when Mary came and he informed us he would (thankfully) be showering before she arrived.

Mike - clearly perturbed about something.

Dan. He was very upset that I took his picture, as you can tell by the turned down mouth and furrowed brow. Although, I suppose he also could have been upset that he had to read for a while instead of play video games...but...that is neither here nor there.

Mike and Dan playing DS

This symbolizes our week - feet propped up while reading a good book. It has been thoroughly relaxing. (Also...these are Mike's feet...mine are not that hairy...lest there be any confusion)

Not sure what is on the agenda for the rest of the day. It is our last full day here, so we are trying to make the most of it! Tonight the couples (Mike, me, Michelle and Alex) are cooking dinner. What's on the menu, you ask?

Pasta alla Vodka!
Fresh Sauteed Veggies (Zucchini, Squash, Asparagus, Sugar Snap Peas, and Carrots)
Fresh Garlic Bread
And for dessert - Fresh blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries with Whipped Cream. (Did I say the word fresh enough in this menu???)

The jury is still out on how much the men will be contributing ;) We know this much - they are willing to go get the Vodka :) I'm just kidding - they are both very useful in the kitchen. It's the scientist in each of them - I just keep telling Mike a recipe is just like an SOP - it's just a list of procedures :)

I will try to post pictures of our meal if I can.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Coming Soon.....

The Finer Things Club....

An afternoon of fine tea, dark chocolate, shortbread and good books.....and perhaps those who were not allowed to attend because of their tendancy to monopolize the conversation....


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 4 on the Potomac

So yesterday we all (17 of us) piled in the cars and drove to Antietam National Battlefield. It was absolutely beautiful. It was a horrific story about the bloodiest day in American history - 23,000 men died in one day. But despite that history, the park is absolutely breathtaking. Here are some pictures from the day.

Here are John and Sean right before take-off....not quite so breathtaking...but i promise....the scenery will be...

This here is a sight to behold. This is the generational Smith Man Profile. Keep an eye out for're sure to see it if you pay attention.

This was our first stop - an old church that was the home of six families at the time of the battle. It was a beautiful building.

Me and Mich at the church

Shan and me doing our best impression of a model pose. Shannon's got it down pretty good I think.

My man.

Shannon the Lovely.

Meagan and Liz

Michelle. Please tell her she's beautiful in this picture - she doesn't seem to believe me.

A monument to the Philadelphia Brigade.


A field of corn.

The landscapes were absolutely breathtaking.

Sean. Mary, this one's for you :)

A winding road.

Studying a plaque at one of the stops.

I loved this tower. We climbed to the top of it, which provided an incredible view.

The Leaches.

The Smiths.

Mr. Leach and Erin walking out of the tower.

Sean and Mr. Leach walking down towards the bridge.

This here was Burnside Bridge. The confederate army of about 400 held back the Union army of a few thousand for about 3 hours, inflincting serious casualties in the process.

It was a fun trip - we all had a great time. Even the little kds enjoyed it I think, though granted they were rather bored by the end :)

Well, to start off some humorous moments from yesterday, here is a picture of Chris in his Abe Lincoln get-up, as promised.

He has worn this since he got it. To add to the hilarity, please try to imagine the following scenario:
Last night, after dinner, Michelle and I were upstairs in the loft, when we heard from below an argument ensue between Chris and Dan. It started out innocently enough, but quickly escalated as child disagreements often do. The subject of their argument was humorous enough (we will not disclose it here, but just trust me, it was both ironic and funny). Chris raced up the stairs, and the hilarity reached a new level when he appeared in front of us, clearly distressed, but also decked out in his Abe Lincoln top hat and beard. Michelle and I tried to contain ourselves, knowing that laughing would not be the best course of action given the circumstances, but I regret to say that we failed miserably. The mental image of Chris engaged in a heated and passionate debate, while dressed as he was, was simply too much to resist. We love our Christopher "Abe" Smith :)

Also related to the Abe Lincoln disguise comes a story of dear Amy :) She was in our car riding home from Antietam with us, John and Sean. Before we had left to go home, she and Chris and Dan had bought some souveniers at the gift shop. Chris got his Abe outfit, Dan got some army men and other such paraphanalia, and Amy proceeded to show us her trinkets. After showing off her Union army hat, and some other miscellaneous items, she then produced a copy of the Gettysburg Address. Upon showing this to Sean, Mike piped up and remarked, "Wow, Amy - you guys sure wasted a lot of Dad's money today." And after a muffled guffaw, through smiling teeth, she said, "I know!" :) And Amy has graciously given me permission to share this story with you all - she is a very good sport :)

Some other moments?
Well, I can't speak straight, and when asking for help for clean-up after dinner, I asked for the "pinions" to show themselves. What are pinions you ask? Clearly I was trying to say either Peons or Minions, but came out with that creative jumble. I'm getting to be as bad as John (you can consult him later for his many word-inventions from the most recent New Orleans trip :)
Also, Dan and Chris have informed Mike and me that they are tired of hearing us call each other "love." This is too much "ushy-gushy" for them, and in Dan's own words, "I think I'm gonna be sick...." Mike has assured them that they will not always feel this way towards girls.

I intend to run those steps again today....I think Michelle is going to join me as well.
See you later!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So tomorrow I will be posting pictures from our trip to Antietam. Also, I will be including one of Chris in his Abe Lincoln get-up. Trust me - you're not gonna want to miss that one.
Until then, here is a picture of my handsome hubby :)

Day 3 on the Potomac

Well, it is our 3rd day here, and we've had an amazing time just RELAXING! I think the best part about this vacation has been that we have had as much time as we want to read, sleep, watch movies, play games, and make hilarious memories together.
Oh, and to run up and down a plethera of steps. That's what I did yesterday. I ran up and down THESE 10 times. (oh and there are more that go further down to the river) My calves hurt very much today. They feel like tight rubberbands :)

At the end of the week, Mike and I are going to have a competition. Who can run the most steps in the shortest amount of time. I have every intention of winning. Let the training begin!

Here is Sean at the bottom of the steps near the river. On the phone with Mary :) Who will be here on Friday!

Don't tell anyone about this secret fishing hole or John may hunt you down and eat you for dinner.

John drinking orange juice through a licorice stick. He never ceases to amaze us.

Meagan getting in some quality reading time.

Erin all wrapped up in the polar bear blanket.

this dude here napped for a whopping 3 hours. We were supposed to be reading....

This here captures the personalities of the Smiths and the Leaches perfectly. We love them.


This empty seat next to her is just yelling Alex's name :)

So far we all have at least 20 bug bites each...on one arm alone...(ok, maybe i'm exaggerating, but's bug city once you step outside...)
Last night we watched the Pink Panther and died laughing at incredibly stupid jokes. But for some reason, when you're all together, "stupid humor" become incredibly hysterical. It was a lot of fun.
And this morning saw Tom standing in front of the microwave, staring at what was spinning around inside, which we all thought was a toaster streudel. Much to our surprise and amusement when it dinged he opened the door, reached inside, pulled out the object (and held it up high), turned to us and exclaimed, "Look! I disinfected the sponge!" I'm pretty sure we all fell over from laughing so hard. Mike made a comment about what a scientist Tom was, but we all quickly informed him that he is quickly becoming as much of a scientist, enamored by such scientist phenomenons :) Or as Cyndi calls it, "Nerd Talk." We love our science guys!

Today Mike told me he is going to take me shopping at some outlets nearby. I can't wait!

Sean has also just informed me that he is going to attempt the stairs today. Maybe he will want to join in our competition at the end of the week.

In closing, here is a quote from Susannah Spurgeon that I read in my devotions this morning. Nothing against Charles Spurgeon, but she sure is giving him a run for his money. I highly recommend her devotional, "Free Grace and Dying Love."

"If my path were always smooth and pleasant, with never a thorn or brier to vex and trouble me, there would be no opportunity for the glorious exercise of your love and mercy in deliverance from them. Courage, my soul! Your God will give you grace to say as did his servent Paul, 'Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.'"
More to come!