Monday, June 08, 2009

The Lunch Box

So, I'm thinking if I sent Mike to work with a lunch like this, I may be permanently fired from lunch duty. I'm not gonna lie, it's an appealing offer.
Because, you see, the one thing that stresses me out more than anything else is what to send with Mike for lunch. Living on a budget means packing lunch most of the time. Sadly, for me (i realize it doesn't have to be this way) that also means packing boring and not always so substantial lunches. See, I'm perfectly content with fruit, veggies, hummus and pita. But, apparently, this does not go over so well with men. They need "men food."
Which, I'm assuming if I sent something like THIS, for lunch, I would be praised and worshiped as the Lunch Goddess for many years to come.

But that's not happening any time soon. (Sorry love!)
So far, I have this:

Tuna Sandwich
Fried Rice (if I have enough time....)
Leftovers (if there are any...)
Fruit, veggies, hummus (he's a real sport...there have been days when this is all I've sent him with....and he has not complained one bit!)

And that would be my list. Impressive, I know.

So this is basically an SOS to all you out there reading (if anyone reads my blog, that is) - what are good, packable lunches that I can send with my man?! What do YOU like to eat for lunch??? I need ideas! So PLEASE, if you have any, let me know. I am desperate! :)


Michelle said...

i pack lunch almost every day because i am a private school teacher and if i buy lunch that means i can't go to starbucks or out to eat with my friends. hands down the easiest for me is leftovers. if you just make a little extra each night that saves you a lot of time. i also like big salads. they are easy to make and you can get interesting ingredients to make it heartier and then supplement with fruit and bread or those triscuits mike likes. i know he's a big fan of caesar dressing. you can always send him with peanuts and/or veggies as an afternoon snack. another thought i had is to make a big pot of chili or hearty soup, freeze individual servings, and have them on hand to thaw and send for days when you are out of other options. my moms knows a trick for freezing chicken stock into individual portions - you should ask her about how to do it.

hope this helps. thanks for providing a procrastination opportunity for me :P.

Meagan said...

I say buy him a bunch of Lunchables. :) It would be like fulfilling his childhood dreams.

Unknown said...

I am learning this too! :) Fruits and veggies are all I need for lunch, but that would be like drinking water for lunch for Ben ;) I have found that (like Michelle) leftovers are usually the winner. I usually make a ton for dinner and either freeze the leftovers for a later date or pack it for lunch the next day. I don't know about Mike, but Ben loves concoctions so I usually have couscous, rice, spinach leaves or something easy on hand and then create a sauce or dressing and then add different things to it. And I try to pack the lunches the night before because it then leaves more time in the morning. And I am able to think through it in more detail.

Kelley Murphy said...

i'd say leftovers or a huge sandwich, subway style.
(you're such a great wife!)

jul said...

or he could make his own lunch and have whatever he wants!

Sarah Smith said...

oh he is definitely capable and does it quite often :) but there are times when I just want to bless him and so I try to have things on hand that he enjoys :)

Vicky said...

What about cold cut sandwiches? I grew up eating turkey and cheese sandwiches at school everyday. You can get American Cheese on sale at Shoprte and deli turkey or ham on sale as well. Jason likes tomato and lettuce on his. Put it all on a good multi-grain bread, and they're in heaven!! I buy granola bars and yogurts which are easy to pack and you could also send him with an apple or a bag of microwave popcorn. We also always have a big bag of pretzels in the cupboard that he can take for a snack as well. When he comes home for lunch he often eats leftovers, but with 3 growing boys our leftovers are few and far between some days! Hope this helps!! :)

Mike Smith said...

i really don't care if you give me the same thing every day! it just blesses me so much that you are thinking of me in this way. you're such a servant and i love you!! this isn't something you HAVE to do for me and yet you do it with such joy. you truly celebrate God's free gift of grace by consistently laying your life down for me and it inspires and encourages me to do the same. thanks love!

oh and also, i agree with Meagan that Lunchables would be amazing. just saying...