- Christmas (with the Smiths this year)
- Birthdays (Dan, Mike, Tom, Andrew.....soon it will be Shannon and Michelle. Basically this means we are broke.)
- New Years
- Eagles games (SURPRISE!)
Christmas was lovely. We spent Thanksgiving with my family, so we spent Christmas with Mike's. It was great - Christmas Eve Mike and I went to P.F. Chang's for dinner and then to the Christmas Eve service. We then went home and tried to watch A Christmas Carol, but fell asleep :) That night, Sean met me at 1 a.m. to bring in Mike's big-ticket-item this Christmas: a keyboard! Thanks to many people who wanted to bless Mike, we were able to get him a keyboard, something he's been wanting so he can practice at home. Even though he was not surprised (long story) it was still so so fun to bless him this way!
On Christmas day, we went over to the Smiths' and stayed in our PJs all day and watched movies! Mike got me the camera I'd been wanting for a long time - the Sony A200 - so I spent a lot of the day annoying people by snapping pics - it is fabulous! :)
For Mike's birthday, I cooked him a big breakfast and we ate it in front of the TV watching, what else, School of Rock. Later we went over the Smiths' for cake and Andrew and Rosie came too. It was a great day!
And today we went to the Smiths and watched the Eagles beat the Giants! It was fabulous.
Ok, so here is a photo update. In reverse order from actual occurrence because I always forget that they load backwards. There are many pictures because I have been having lots of fun - hope that's not a problem.
My FEET?!?
It's the way of these photographer types, Meg. They simply MUST have artsy shots.
Lovely pictures, Sarah :D
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