Friday, January 30, 2009

Catching Up

Well, since we don't have internet at our apartment, I'm limited as to when I can update our blog. We are at the Smiths tonight and I figured I'd take some time to post.
We recently went to a marriage conference in Hershey, and it was amazing. The topic was Marriage and the Mercy of God, and we walked away so refreshed and encouraged. God really used the messages to spur us on in showing mercy towards one another. Aron Osborne talked about how we can exercise mercy when our spouse is sinning by being patient and waiting for his/her redeemed nature to come out. Mike is so good at this - I'm consistently amazed at his love and patience towards me in every situation. He is always coming alongside me, gently showing me where I am erring, and pointing me to the Gospel. God certainly knew what I needed in a husband, and I got above and beyond that! We walked away from that conference more encouraged and more in love than when we walked in. I'm so grateful to God!
I didn't get many pictures from the retreat. The only ones I got were at lunch on the way home, and they were only of Rick and Traci. Jason and Vicky were with us too, but they had already left by the time I pulled out my camera :)

I spilled my drink!

We also had a great time watching the Lynch kids the other night. I love spending time with them - they are so creative and definitely good for a laugh or two. And usually, when Kenny and Amy come home, we'll spend an hour or so just catching up on life with them. I've known them since I was eight years old, and it's crazy to me that they're not just my parents' friends anymore, they're our friends!

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