Friday, March 27, 2009

this is what i need...

yes this. i have dust webs hanging in the corners of my house, and they are threatening to catch me and eat me for dinner. So I have to go find one of these things......

But I have started a new cleaning method, and so far it seems to be working out. What is it you may ask?
Clean one thing. (Maybe two). Each day.
I've been trying this since Wednesday, and I really like it so far!! I can actually relax when I'm at home now :)
So each day I am trying to always do the dishes and maybe a load of laundry. And then I add one other cleaning project to that (dusting, vacuuming, kitchen, etc.) That way it's not so overwhelming. And the best news of my life is: Mike's job is the bathroom :) What a guy....I sure lucked out!

But yes, the dust webs are the one thing I am not prepared for...and they are taking that is on my shopping list for this week.
But what cleaning tips have you found helpful?? Please share if you have a favorite.

****POST EDIT****
Margie just informed me these are spider webs. Most likely. Worst news of my day. But there is a bright side. She told me about this website - has great tips for housekeeping. check it out! and if you know more about these webs lurking in my house....please speak up...


Vicky said...

You can get a good feather duster at the dollar store. There's one in the Giant plaza by me. Also, I have those webs too...I think they are dust/spider webs. How many times have you actually seen the spider up on your wall? It probably came once, made a web then left and then the dust moved in. That's my consolation! Great job with the cleaning schedule girl!! I still have to get by butt in gear!! :)

Sarah said...

Sarah - I highly recommend you just vacuum your cobwebs/"dustwebs". Just put the little attachment nozzle onto your vacuum and zoom them right up. No need for any kind of close encounter with those bad boys.