Monday, January 04, 2010

Part 1 – Cleaning and Organization

So, with the New Year comes resolutions.
I am not good at keeping resolutions.
So normally I skip this whole process.
However, this year is different. Why? Because I find myself in a place where I NEED to make a change.
Or else we will disappear under the piles and piles of laundry and dishes and dust bunnies and tossed-aside-pistachio-shells, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!
Ok, so maybe it’s not that bad. But it’s still bad.

So that is where this post comes in. It is Part 1 of 4 on organization and reclaiming the chaos that has become my life :)
And so begins what I’m learning about cleaning and organization. Notice I used the present tense: LEARNING. This is an ongoing process :)

So, why do I need I need a cleaning schedule? Because between both of us working full time, friends, family, church, busy weekends, and, of course, spending invaluable time watching endless hours of Psych, there is often little to no time for cleaning or pickup. At least, not BLOCKS of time that I can devote to it. Not to mention I’ve barely cooked or cleaned AT ALL for the past 2 months :) I’m not kidding. (Mike has been a super hero - cleaning and cooking for me!) And finally, because I want to be able, when we're out with friends, to say "hey, why don't you come back to our house for a while and we can hang out?!" without feeling like I've just invited them back to Oscar the Grouch's trash can habitat.

So it’s time for a change. It’s time to do just a little something every day, so my cleaning list doesn’t grow so big that it can then chase me down and eat me for dinner. And since I’m only 4 days away from my second trimester (woohoo!) I am regaining strength and courage to make this change.

So, I devised this: my cleaning schedule:

I have realized that a 2-week cleaning schedule is more than sufficient, and it gives me more time to get stuff done, so I don’t feel so rushed and overwhelmed.
As you can see, there are basics for every day. Dishes, 1 load of laundry (that’s doable, right?!), and sorting the mail. Plus just one chore per day. And I’ve purposefully left one of the Thursdays free because of Community Group. And Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays so I have time to relax and enjoy my family :)

Now, for this to work, organization is key for me. I’m very much like my father (although not as extreme. I am convinced that Dad would live in an Excel spreadsheet if it was possible) and I need a schedule and a plan. But I think most important in making this plan successful is having a place for everything. It becomes much more of a hassle to pick up and clean as I go, if there is no PLACE to PUT the items being picked up as I go :)

Here is an example: Laundry.

For clean clothes, they will often end up in piles if I don’t have a clean closet or dresser.
For messy clothes, they will often not get done if I don’t have enough drying room.
So Mike and I went to Ikea on Saturday to find some tools to fix this problem. (oh how I *love* Ikea)
1) We got stackable drawers for all my tee shirts. They are organized by long sleeve, short sleeve, embellished, basic, etc. It’s beautiful and neat.
2) We got him a much larger dresser so there is room to put his clean folded laundry.
3) We found this amazing hanger. It holds 5 pairs of pants. Without overrunning our closets. It actually gives you MORE room!

4) We got this new drying rack:

We hang probably half of our clothes, and one thing that keeps me from doing laundry is I run out of space to hang our wet clothes. This should fix that. See? Organization is key.

So, this here is my resolution to try to just do one thing each day. I have now posted this on the world-wide-web, so if I fail, I fail publicly.
Please feel free to ask me how this is going. Or to just stop in one day to make sure my house doesn't look like the trash can ate it. Or to share any helpful tips you’ve found. I need all the help I can get!!

Next up: Planning/Google Calendar, Sunday Prep for the week. How I make sure I actually DO what I've set out to do :)

1 comment:

Paul and Lauren Rohwer said...

Ok Sarah, you sound exactly like me. Although to your credit you came up with your schedule :) Paul had to repeatedly ask me to make a schedule so 1. I would do everything I need. and 2. I would not get discouraged or overwhelmed.
I hate mess but find myself with piles and things too. I just watched this amazing DVD called Organizing From the Inside Out. I got it from the library and it was revolutionary. Anyways,I knew there were a million reason why I liked you :)