Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Really crack me up.
They come in an assortment of options:
- Action Packed
- Agility (do you really see DeSean Jackson wearing these?)
- Metabolize
- Biathlon
- Sleek Fit (ummm this shoe is pretty much the antonym of sleek)
- Jump Start
- Fitness Junkie (really????)
- This particular pair is "Optimize."

And the one that really kills me: Motivation

I don't know about you, but these shoes would kill just about any motivation I had mustered up to begin with. You would have to do some serious motivation to get me to be seen in public in these.

I am waiting for SNL to do a skit on these.

1 comment:

Reenie said...

I saw a lady wearing them in Ikea.