Friday, November 20, 2009


Soooooo.....lately (in spite of recent blog posts) most of my food intake has consisted of these:

And I've been drinking this stuff like medicine:

Because, a few weeks ago when I found out I had swine flu:

We also found out something else:

We are having a baby :) SURPRISE!
However, because I had swine flu when we told our families, I have yet to receive many congratulatory hugs from many beloved family members. Being pregnant didn't change the opinion that I deserved to be quarantined ;)
Rosie did have the best one-liner though. When we told my family, Rosie was relatively quiet until she felt compelled to voice an epiphany she had. She said, "Huh, so I guess this is the first time you've ever really been surprised, Sarah." That kid knows me and my snooping tendencies all too well!
Now here's another funny part to the story. We found out on a Tuesday that I was pregnant. That Sunday before was Sean's birthday and, keeping with traditional Smith gift-giving techniques, we informed Sean his gift was still forthcoming. He joked "is it a baby niece/nephew?!"
We told him yeah right - go jump in a lake.
So, when we told the Smiths a few days later, Sean's first response was "you guys DID get me a baby for my birthday!"
Sorry to burst your bubble, Sean, but our plans for a birthday gift probably looked something like a book. But since this clearly counts as far as you're concerned, we'll just say we got you a niece/nephew for your birthday and call it even ;)


Vyra said...

So excited!
(Knew you couldn't keep it quiet till Dec. 7 ;P )

Jean said...

WOOT! congratulations!!

HEN said...

So excited for you!!!!

Ryan said...

Um, holy crap, that's exciting! Congratulations, guys! You have no idea how much fun you're in for. It's definitely a huge life change and it's a ton of work, but man...if I'd known having a baby was so much fun, I would totally have wanted one sooner. :-)

Here's an idea:

Unknown said...

LOVE surprises like that :)

ange said...

uh, i'm so glad it is not a secret anymore!! sooooooooo excited for you and mikes.

Vicky said...

HA! You're hillarious!! Add goldfish to that diet and you'll be set! Love you guys and baby Smith!! :)

Paul and Lauren Rohwer said...

CONGRATS!!!! This is such a blessing!