Drinking lots of tea with honey (Michael picked out the honey bear at the store since he had to do the grocery shopping this week :)
Trying to figure out which one of these will end up working....
And wiping down any and every surface with this:
I'm terrified to think how many germs are lurking in my house right now. Mike went on Tamiflu as a precaution....so we're hoping he won't catch it even though we haven't had a chance to disinfect yet.
And, because I am bored, and not much else exciting has happened this week, here is a picture of the groundhog that lives under our deck.
Mike is not so fond of him. But I think he needs a name anyways. Let me know if you think of one.....he can't just be called Groundhog.
The bright orange water bottle will definitely be the one to do the trick. Definitely.
You should name the groundhog Nehemiah. Or Octavian.
Keep me updated on your Swine Flu!(which for some reason my fingers always feel compelled to spell with an 'e' at the end)
Meagan, i always want to spell flu "flue" too! maybe because of "glue"??
i vote for Gunther (silent H) for the groundhog. :)
Geeze, Mike, way to buy store brand honey.
I call my groundhog, "My Fat Furry Friend"
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