I meet Nathan and Alex at the Smiths.
I remember that I forgot (oh the cruel irony) my camera about 2 mins away from the Smiths.
Alex graciously agrees to swing by my apartment so I can run in and get it.
We then proceed to Wegman's. The long way, because I forgot the short way. (Alex was sweet and wanted to get Michelle some chocolate there.) We thought we would then pick up the turnpike near Exton and 100. Then we realize that what we really need is 476 (not 76) and that where we really need to go is KOP. (Not anywhere near Exton...)
So we jump on 100 to get to 202. 202 South that is. Because once again, my brain malfunctioned and I failed to realize the correct place to pick up 202.
So we get off at Paoli Pike to head north. And we miss the turn for North. So we turn around again. Finally we are going North!
Then we miss 76 in KOP (which would have taken us to 476...but we did not realize that.) We continue on 202N thinking we will eventually find 476.
Then we hit Norristown.
And Conshohocken.
Supposedly we are on a detour? We are very very lost.
So we call Matt and Meg, Ben, Gus, and many others - no answer from anyone but Meg. She tells me that we should hit 476 soon, and while I am sure she is right, we are so lost that i really don't understand what she's saying. I thank her and tell her I'm sure we'll find it soon. :) Finally Gus calls us back. And he figures out where we are. We are somewhere in Montgomery/Bucks County. Fortunately we get the directions to turn on Germantown Pike BEFORE we miss it. And sure enough, accourding to Gus's directions, we finally find 476!!! WOOHOO!!
And that is when we realize that between Alex and I, we have a whopping $2 for tolls.
Fortunately, Nathan had a 20 :) All this, of course, raised the question, "what does one do if you are on the highway, you hit a toll, and you have no cash?"
i know I'm going to find out that answer to that question one day. I am not looking forward to it.
SO, we finally arrived, very late. But Alex was a hero for driving us up so late on a Friday night, and we are very grateful :)
Saturday was amazing. Even though I was only there for one day, I could tell this Youth Camp was particularly incredible. God did amazing things, and it was so encouraging to see all that he did in the hearts of the teens at camp!! I don't remember the exact number, but I believe something like 16 kids got saved! In addition, 20 (TWENTY!!) teens made a public declaration of their faith and were baptized. It was powerful.
I wish I could have been there all week, but the next best thing was that Mike was able to be there. He had a blast, and on the way home he couldn't stop telling me all the ways that God had been faithful to reveal Himself.
Here are some pics from Saturday (all because Alex was so gracious to drive me back to my apartment so I could get my camera :)
Nick was bragging about how many people at camp were related to him, so Joel arranged for an epic tug of war between all the Rice cousins.
Apparently, whoever lost their bandana had to undergo a punishment of sorts. On Saturday, someone recovered Joel's. His punishment? His bandana was lit on fire and he had to run to the lake to extinguish it. He went the extra mile and just jumped in.
Mom and Rosalia
Outside after the Team Leaders Meeting
Jenny and me
Patience and Elisha. Patience was an honorary member of our beloved Pink Team.
This girl is so stinkin cute. Little Joy.
Tug of War
Reunited at last :)
Also, to complete the 476 saga, going home we hit construction (supposedly...they had an awful lot of road blocked off for what appeared to be very little actual "construction"..) and bumper to bumper traffic. I remember casually mentioning, "hey, we didn't miss our exit did we?" Mike emphatically reassured me "absolutely not. we're on this road for a while.."
Quite a while in to our traffic jam, Tom calls Mike and asks, "umm...so...what mile marker are you at exactly?" Mike tells him, and adds that it shouldn't be too much longer til we're through the construction zone.
Tom says, "Well that'd be great...if you hadn't already missed your exit."
We missed it.
We drove right on by 476.
And we had 8 miles until we could get off at another exit that would bring us (in a roundabout way) to 476. And we were not almost through the construction.
So that is why 476 was not my friend this weekend. If it hadn't been so frustrating, I suppose it might have been funny. :)