Monday, September 21, 2009

Cloudy with a chance of....


That's correct.
Tonight kicks off the first week of Autumn Project. And I am making Aunt Rae's famous Italian spaghetti and meatballs. Or some call them.....but I assure you...they will not kill you. They may make you feel like you've died and gone to heaven, but you will still be very much alive.

Now, I must make somewhat of a disclaimer here. (This is for Traci's sake.) The food that makes up "Autumn Project" does not have to include strictly apples, pumpkins, winter squash, etc. for it to be considered a "fall menu item." No. While most of the dishes WILL in fact contain those lovely ingredients unique to the autumn season, others will be of the "cozy" category. The type of food that makes you want to curl up next to the fire, or bundle up in sweatshirts by the firepit, or simply be glad that you're inside on such a blustery autumn night. That type of food.
And so, the first dish will be the Lucia family's spaghetti and meatball dinner. Trust me - it's the perfect hot meal for a blustery autumn day. (which, granted, today is not....but tomorrow's the official start of we're playing along in good faith...)
Michelle and Alex are joining us for the first evening of this project. Should be a blast.

Pictures and recipe (MAYBE!) to follow!!

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